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What are some high-energy and healthy foods?

Eating high-energy foods such as complex carbohydrates like whole grains, sweet potatoes, meats like chicken, fish, offal like beef liver, and chicken eggs can help the body have enough energy and allow the body’s systems to function efficiently throughout the day. However, you should choose

How is potassium important to the body?

Potassium has the property of controlling blood pressure from being too high. Therefore, it may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by performing the following functions: Remove excess sodium from the body. If the body has high sodium levels, it will also result in

What fruits do cancer fear?

Cancer is a chronic non-communicable disease in which cells in the body grow abnormally fast and spread to various organs until normal cells of tissues or organs fail, leading to death. However, cancer can be prevented by exercising regularly, getting enough rest. And eating fruits

“Fruit Sugar”: Unexpected Danger

Fruits are considered a highly beneficial food if eaten in moderation! Because some types are high in sugar, if you accidentally eat a lot, you may be at risk of diabetes and many other diseases! According to the recommendations, we should consume at least

4 steps to choosing probiotics from your freezer

As girls know, probiotics can help improve health and are easily available in yogurt, sour milk. Or kombucha tea, which can be consumed in a variety of ways. But wouldn’t it be better if you could buy more for better health? Probiotics are living microorganisms. When

Facts about cow’s milk: Does it cause bloating

Drink lots of milk to grow fast. Reveal the facts about cow’s milk that you need to know. Why do some people get bloated after drinking it? Is it true that drinking it regularly makes you resistant to antibiotics? Cow’s milk  is a highly nutritious milk.