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Tag Archives: vitamin D

What are the health benefits of salmon?

What are the health benefits of salmon? Let’s start by understanding the general, overall health benefits of salmon. Salmon and heart health Salmon cares for your heart for one, it contains omega-3 fatty acids. These superstar fats, in particular EPA and DHA, helps to reduce

What is the truth about clean eating?

What is the truth about clean eating? Clean eating is a diet concept where a person avoids refined and processed foods and those that have artificial ingredients, such as certain preservatives and additives. The goal is to eat whole, natural foods. Just as there are

Facts about cow’s milk: Does it cause bloating

Drink lots of milk to grow fast. Reveal the facts about cow’s milk that you need to know. Why do some people get bloated after drinking it? Is it true that drinking it regularly makes you resistant to antibiotics? Cow’s milk  is a highly nutritious milk.

Vitamins to help nourish hair to grow faster

Vitamins do many amazing things for hair: They can aid in cell growth, prevent free radicals from damaging it, keep it from graying prematurely and nourish the follicles that stimulate growth. Everyone wants to have thick, shiny hair. Therefore, many people have tried regular treatments