Fruits are considered a highly beneficial food if eaten in moderation! Because some types are high in sugar, if you accidentally eat a lot, you may be at risk of diabetes and many other diseases!

According to the recommendations, we should consume at least 400 grams of vegetables and fruits per day to promote good health and reduce the chances of chronic diseases. Many people understand that sugar in fruit is “good sugar” and does not cause any harm to the body, both for normal people and people with diabetes, because it is a natural substance. But this is a misunderstanding. There are 3 types of sugar found in fruit: fructose, glucose, and sucrose. What are the benefits of each type?
- Fructose is a sugar that the body can absorb without the help of the hormone insulin. Therefore, people who are at risk or have diabetes can consume this type of sugar in moderate amounts without causing side effects.
- Glucose and sucrose are sugars that require the hormone insulin to be absorbed. Therefore, people at risk or with diabetes must avoid them.
Therefore, we should choose to eat fruit carefully because eating too much can cause the body to receive too much sugar, especially in patients or those at risk of diabetes.
However, the general public can still consume fruits in moderate quantities as usual, but should choose to consume fruits that are not too sweet. Avoid dried fruits such as raisins, persimmons, dried Chinese dates, dates, etc. Although they do not go through the process of adding sugar, a lot of the water has evaporated, making them lighter. Therefore, they can be put into the mouth without being careful more than fresh fruits. Because they fill you up slower while the sugar content is the same.
However, as healthy and delicious as fruits are, you should eat more vegetables to ensure you don’t overload yourself with sugar from fruits.
Low-sugar fruits are suitable for diabetics.
- Guava is a low sugar fruit and also high in vitamin C. It should be eaten in the amount of ½ fruit.
- Green apples are a fruit. That is very high in water-soluble fiber called pectin. Which helps reduce blood sugar or fat levels. It also helps reduce blood pressure. You should eat 1 apple/meal.
- Bananas are a high-fiber fruit that helps control blood sugar and aids the digestive system. You should eat 1 fruit per meal.
- Dragon fruit is a fruit that helps control blood sugar. You should eat ½ fruit.
- Raw mango is a fruit that is rich in many vitamins and minerals. However, it should not be eaten with chili, salt, and sugar. It should be eaten in the amount of ½ fruit.
However, diabetics should check their blood and urine to find their sugar levels together. As well as exercise every day or get enough rest, and not be stressed. Just this will help you to be strong and eat everything safely!